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#1 Free Estonian Dating site for Estonia Singles


Welcome to our Estonian Dating Website. Meet single Estonians in your local area at, the Free Estonian Dating site for single Estonians. is a 100% free Estonian dating site where you can make friends, social connections or find life partner online. Join our free dating community and meet thousands of lovely hearts from Estonia.

Sign up, chat, meet people and create connections using our dating service. It is safe and easy. Hundreds of Estonian singles are waiting to meet their companion.


Estonian Dating Culture


Estonian women are very comfortable with silence. The concept of “awkward silence” doesn’t exist in their culture.  If you are trying to impress her by doing lots of small talk in order to avoid awkward silence, she will be turned off quickly. 

Estonia has the best air in the world, Estonian women are generally very healthy. Although they don’t look tough, Estonian women can easily carry heavy stuff because they are actually very strong.

There are more women than men in Estonia, so the chance for you to find an Estonian woman who want to date you is very big. You should be more confident, because you are competing with Estonian men who generally take beautiful Estonian women for granted.


Free Estonian Mobile Dating Site

We built the mobile version of this Estonian Dating Site to be simple and easy to use on the go to save you time and money. Join now and see what you are missing out on. We have thousands of local single Estonians just waiting to meet you.

Meet fellow Estonian singles from our free site. Estonia Friends date is the ultimate singles community for Estonians.

You can also check our different groups inside - Estonia Female Buddies, Estonia Local Dating, Estonian Brides, Estonia Single Ladies, Estonia Tallinn Singles.

Sign up now & chat with Estonian Men & Women for free!