kimberly2015 Online Now


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    5 ft. 0 in.
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  • Education:
    Some College
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  • Has Kids:


I am a 22 year old women and am giving this online dating thing a try since the only men that I can find in my hometown are drug addicts or don't know how to treat a girl. I want a relationship with someone that I can be myself with and not have to worry if I am being myself that I will get abused. I'm done playing the part of the quiet, non important girlfriend.
I grew up with three brothers in a military family so I moved around a lot. Since I grew up with three brothers I am a tom boy but can also play the part of getting dressed up to go out to a nice restaurant. I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty and actually enjoy spending time outdoors if it's not to cold. When it's to cold to go outside I enjoy spending time with my family and friends ( family means everything to me), I am the type of girl who will curl up next to you on the couch and watch Netflix or a movie. I'm the girl who will support you in your decisions ( if they are legal) and help you through any tough time you are having.
In my free time I will read, watch TV or Netflix, or listen to music. I like country music by the way but will also listen to other types.
In a relationship I want to be respected and treated like I matter. With that said I don't like men to spend a ton of money on me. I want to spend time together and get to know each other.

What I am looking for

Someone who is loving, caring, doesn't mind spending time with me along with my family, Non controlling, honest, and respectful to me as well as my family